Uninsured Adults by County for the Year 2020

This fact sheet provides the number and percentage of adults ages 18 – 64 without health insurance at the county level in Mississippi and compares rates for years 2017 and 2020, the most recent data. Under the Affordable Care Act, Adults with household incomes below 138% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) would qualify for expanded Medicaid coverage currently not elected by the state. Adults from households with incomes below 400% FPL qualify for federal support (subsidies) to buy health … Read more...

Mississippi Adult Health Coverage Profile 2019 Data

Researchers from the State Health Access Data Assistance Center (SHADAC) at the University of Minnesota compiled Mississippi data from the 2019 United States Census Bureau’s American Community Survey (ACS) at the request of the Center for Mississippi Health Policy. The ACS asks a representative sample of households about their health insurance
coverage. This chartbook summarizes the responses provided by non-elderly (19 through 64 years of age) Mississippi adults. Data found at Integrated Public Use Microdata Series (IPUMS)(https://usa.ipums.org/usa/index.shtml).

This chartbook also …

Postpartum Medicaid

Receiving medical care at all stages of childbearing from preconception and pregnancy to delivery and postpartum has implications for women’s health, infant health, and later episodes of pregnancy. This brief explores the postpartum period when some women are at risk of illness or death due to pregnancy-related complications. Medical care after pregnancy has the potential to address pregnancy-related injury or illness as well as control lingering conditions that could impact a subsequent pregnancy.

To access this issue brief


Comprehensive Maternal Health Coverage

By Eden Blackwell

Women need quality healthcare before, during, and after pregnancy for the best outcomes for moms and their babies.  Through Medicaid, pregnant women with household incomes of up to 200% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) can gain access to health services during and a short time after pregnancy.  But it doesn’t last, and gaps in coverage mean delays or missed care with possible repercussions for maternal and child health.  Expanding Medicaid eligibility would increase continuous access to … Read more...


Mississippi Medicaid pays for the pregnancy-related healthcare for over 60% of Mississippi births each year. Many pregnant Medicaid participants would not have been eligible for Medicaid prior to their pregnancy increasing the likelihood that they have gone uninsured for some time. Healthcare and policy experts have recommended extending postpartum coverage to support improved maternal and child health.

Why this is important

More than a third of births covered by Mississippi Medicaid occur to women with at least one known pregnancy … Read more...