Early Elective Deliveries in Mississippi: Impact on Health and Medical Care Costs

The growing practice of early delivery of infants for non-medical reasons is associated with higher rates of newborn admissions to hospital intensive care units and neonatal deaths.  As a result, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends scheduling elective deliveries until at least 39 weeks of gestation.

The Center for Mississippi Health Policy partnered with the Mississippi State Department of Health to analyze the available data on early elective deliveries in Mississippi. Data on birth trends, medical care costs, … Read more...

Assessing the Impact of the Mississippi Healthy Students Act on Childhood Obesity

The Center for Mississippi Health Policy collaborated with researchers from three Mississippi universities — The University of Southern Mississippi, Mississippi State University, and The University of Mississippi — to evaluate the impact of the 2007 Mississippi Healthy Students Act on childhood obesity in the state.  The research was funded by The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and The Bower Foundation and was conducted from 2008 through 2012.  The final report, entitled Assessing the Impact of the Mississippi Healthy Students Act: Year Read more...

Prescription Drugs: Impact of Misuse and Accidental Overdose in Mississippi

The death rate from drug overdose in the United States has tripled since 1991, and prescription drugs are cited as the primary cause of this increase.  Of particular concern are opioid pain relievers (e.g. oxycodone, methadone, and hydrocodone).  There are now more overdose deaths due to opioid pain medications than the total number caused by both cocaine and heroin.  Drug overdose now kills more people than motor crashes in the United States, and shows a similar trend in Mississippi.

The …

Medicaid Expansion: An Overview of Potential Impacts in Mississippi

Key Issues and Policy Considerations Related to Expanding Medicaid in Mississippi

The U.S. Supreme Court’s June 2012 decision that upheld the Affordable Care Act (ACA) struck down a portion of the law whereby the federal government could make continued Medicaid funding contingent on a state’s participation in expanding Medicaid eligibility. States now have the option of deciding whether or not to implement the expansion.  The Center for Mississippi Health Policy has published an Issue Brief that provides background information on … Read more...

Mississippi Revitalizes the State Trauma Care System


Unintentional injury is the leading cause of mortality both nationally and for Mississippians aged less than 45 years. Mississippi ranks third in the nation for unintentional injury deaths. Research shows formal trauma systems reduce traumatic injury mortality. Formal trauma systems are also important first lines of defense for reducing deaths caused by natural disasters, terrorism events, and pandemics. States have actively implemented policies to strengthen formal trauma systems over the past 30 years. Mississippi began developing a formal trauma … Read more...