Health Insurance Coverage and the ACA: Results of the 2014-15 Survey of Mississippi Adults

The Center for Mississippi Health Policy commissioned researchers at the Social Science Research Center (SSRC) at Mississippi State University to survey non-elderly Mississippi adults to assess their knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors related to health insurance and the Affordable Care Act (ACA). This survey serves as a follow-up to a similar study conducted in the fall of 2013 and contains additional analysis by geographic area of the state.  The Center has prepared an Issue Brief that summarizes the results of this … Read more...

Developmental Screening in Early Childhood

The Center for Mississippi Health Policy commissioned Mississippi State University’s Social Science Research Center (SSRC) to conduct a study implementing developmental screening in each of the eleven Pre-Kindergarten Early Learning Collaboratives funded by the State. The goal of the study was to determine the developmental concerns of children entering Pre-K in Mississippi and the policy implications that these needs have for the state.

The Study

The project used the Ages and Stages Questionnaires, Third Edition (ASQ-3) and the Ages and … Read more...

Health Coverage Options for Mississippians After Implementation of the ACA

As of January 2014, individuals in the United States are required to carry health insurance coverage as a mandate under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), or they may be subject to a financial penalty.  The Center for Mississippi Health Policy has developed an Issue Brief that describes coverage options for the uninsured in Mississippi and examines alternative coverage models being tested in other states that, like Mississippi, are not opting to expand Medicaid as authorized under the ACA.



Infant Mortality in Mississippi: Potential Strategies to Improve Infant Health

Infant Mortality in Mississippi

Infant mortality continues to be a significant public health problem in Mississippi. Infant death rates in the state remain the highest in the U.S., despite recent declines in the state’s rate to a low of 8.8 deaths per 1,000 live births.

The Center for Mississippi Health Policy partnered with the Mississippi State Department of Health to analyze the available data on infant mortality and other poor birth outcomes and estimate the associated economic costs to the … Read more...

Medicaid Expansion: An Overview of Potential Impacts in Mississippi

Key Issues and Policy Considerations Related to Expanding Medicaid in Mississippi

The U.S. Supreme Court’s June 2012 decision that upheld the Affordable Care Act (ACA) struck down a portion of the law whereby the federal government could make continued Medicaid funding contingent on a state’s participation in expanding Medicaid eligibility. States now have the option of deciding whether or not to implement the expansion.  The Center for Mississippi Health Policy has published an Issue Brief that provides background information on … Read more...