The Impact of the Farm Bill on Southern States

Ample consumption of fruits and vegetables is important for growth and development, as well as prevention of chronic disease.  Yet, few Americans eat enough of them to meet nutrition needs, and many Southern states report very low intake of fruits and vegetables.  Increasing consumption of fruits and vegetables is consequently an important component in any attempt to improve the nutritional status and health of the population.  This goal is difficult to obtain without addressing the accessibility of fruits and vegetables, … Read more...

Assessing the Impact of the Mississippi Healthy Students Act on Childhood Obesity: Year Two Research

The Center for Mississippi Health Policy has released a report summarizing key findings from the second year of research, funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and The Bower Foundation, evaluating the impact of the Mississippi Healthy Students Act.  The Year Two Report, Assessing the Impact of the Mississippi Healthy Students Act, presents the results of studies conducted by three Mississippi universities that provide valuable information for educators and policy-makers as they look toward the next few years of … Read more...

Assessing the Impact of the Mississippi Healthy Students Act on Childhood Obesity: Year 1 Research

The Center for Mississippi Health Policy has released a report summarizing key findings from the first year of research, funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Bower Foundation, evaluating the impact of the Mississippi Healthy Students Act.  The report, Assessing the Impact of the Mississippi Healthy Students Act, presents the results of studies conducted by three Mississippi universities that provide valuable information for educators and policy-makers as they look toward the next three years of the Act’s … Read more...

Mississippi Initiatives to Address Childhood Obesity


Children in Mississippi suffer from an alarming rate of overweight that continues to rise. Overweight children miss significantly more school days and perform less well academically than normal weight children.  Risk factors for heart disease (such as high cholesterol and high blood pressure) and type 2 diabetes occur more frequently in overweight children and adolescents.  In the past ten years there has been a dramatic increase in the prevalence of type 2 diabetes in adolescents.  In addition to the … Read more...

Mississippians Support Actions to Address Childhood Obesity

Results of the USM Public Perception of Childhood Obesity Survey

About 95 percent of adult Mississippians think that childhood obesity is a serious problem in Mississippi, according to a recent survey conducted by researchers at the College of Health at the University of Southern Mississippi (USM).  In addition, Mississippi adults show stronger support for public policies to address the problem than adults nationwide.   For example, Mississippians were more favorable to the following:

  • To the government playing a significant role in