Distracted Driving in Mississippi

In 2014, the Center for Mississippi Health Policy developed an Issue Brief that summarized the available evidence related to distracted driving and outlined policy considerations.


  • One out of every twelve motor vehicle crash-related deaths in Mississippi is distraction related.
  • Texting drivers are at high risk of experiencing a dangerous traffic event — 23 times the risk of those not driving distracted.
  • The estimated medical care cost for moderate to severe crash-related injuries in 2011 in Mississippi was $38.6

Childhood Immunizations: Mississippi’s Mandatory School Immunization Law

Mississippi law mandates that all children attending school must be vaccinated against certain diseases.  All states have similar laws but vary in the number and type of exemptions allowed.  Mississippi allows only medical exemptions.

The Center for Mississippi Health Policy has prepared an Issue Brief that summarizes the scientific literature on the safety and efficacy of childhood immunizations, outlines the legal environment for Mississippi’s policies, and examines policy issues related to exemptions. A key focus of the policy analysis is … Read more...

Health Coverage Options for Mississippians After Implementation of the ACA

As of January 2014, individuals in the United States are required to carry health insurance coverage as a mandate under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), or they may be subject to a financial penalty.  The Center for Mississippi Health Policy has developed an Issue Brief that describes coverage options for the uninsured in Mississippi and examines alternative coverage models being tested in other states that, like Mississippi, are not opting to expand Medicaid as authorized under the ACA.



Infant Mortality in Mississippi: Potential Strategies to Improve Infant Health

Infant Mortality in Mississippi

Infant mortality continues to be a significant public health problem in Mississippi. Infant death rates in the state remain the highest in the U.S., despite recent declines in the state’s rate to a low of 8.8 deaths per 1,000 live births.

The Center for Mississippi Health Policy partnered with the Mississippi State Department of Health to analyze the available data on infant mortality and other poor birth outcomes and estimate the associated economic costs to the … Read more...

Health Care System Performance: What Mississippi Indicators Reveal

National indicators of health care system performance generally show Mississippi as underperforming most other states on several standard measures.  Many of the performance indicators stem from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) seminal report, Crossing the Quality Chasm, which highlighted the need to redesign fundamental health care system structures to improve health outcomes. The IOM report also documented how the nation could achieve health improvements through coordinated care delivery systems.  Health care experts have since built upon the IOM report’s … Read more...