Implementing Sex-Related Education in Mississippi Public Schools

In 2011, the Mississippi Legislature enacted a law (§37-13-171 et seq.) that required each local school board to adopt an abstinence-only or abstinence-plus policy on sex-related education (SRE) and to implement an SRE curriculum beginning in the 2012-13 school year.  This law is scheduled to expire July 1, 2016, unless the Legislature takes action to extend the act.

Since enactment of the law in 2011, the Center for Mississippi Health Policy has conducted several studies designed to provide information to … Read more...

Academic Health Centers: Governance Models and UMMC

Academic Health Centers (AHCs) have a unique challenge in effectively and simultaneously meeting the demands of all three areas of their mission: education, research, and patient care. In particular, AHCs must adapt quickly to the rapidly evolving and complex health care system in order to remain competitive, and their governance structures, leadership, and policies must facilitate such nimbleness.  AHCs nationally have struggled to find the most appropriate structure to meet their particular needs, and a number of governance models exist.… Read more...

Rural Hospitals: Economic and Health Implications in Mississippi

The healthcare delivery and financing systems in the United States are evolving rapidly, and the impact on small rural hospitals is made evident by increasingly common news of closures or employee layoffs.  Since 2010, 58 rural hospitals have closed nationally, mostly in the South, including two in Mississippi.  Another 283 hospitals nationwide have been identified as “vulnerable,” with 22 of those in Mississippi.  As a percentage of all rural hospitals in the state, Mississippi has the highest proportion of its … Read more...

Health Insurance Coverage and the ACA: Results of the 2014-15 Survey of Mississippi Adults

The Center for Mississippi Health Policy commissioned researchers at the Social Science Research Center (SSRC) at Mississippi State University to survey non-elderly Mississippi adults to assess their knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors related to health insurance and the Affordable Care Act (ACA). This survey serves as a follow-up to a similar study conducted in the fall of 2013 and contains additional analysis by geographic area of the state.  The Center has prepared an Issue Brief that summarizes the results of this … Read more...

Developmental Screening in Early Childhood

The Center for Mississippi Health Policy commissioned Mississippi State University’s Social Science Research Center (SSRC) to conduct a study implementing developmental screening in each of the eleven Pre-Kindergarten Early Learning Collaboratives funded by the State. The goal of the study was to determine the developmental concerns of children entering Pre-K in Mississippi and the policy implications that these needs have for the state.

The Study

The project used the Ages and Stages Questionnaires, Third Edition (ASQ-3) and the Ages and … Read more...