Health Insurance Coverage & the ACA: Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors of Mississippi Adults

In 2017, the Center for Mississippi Health Policy commissioned researchers at the Social Science Research Center (SSRC) at Mississippi State University to survey non-elderly Mississippi adults to assess their knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors related to health insurance and the Affordable Care Act (ACA). This survey serves as a follow-up to similar studies conducted in 2013 and 2014-15. The Center has prepared an Issue Brief that summarizes the results of the 2017 survey and a Chartbook with a more detailed analysis … Read more...

Preventing Unintended Pregnancy in Mississippi

The majority of new mothers in Mississippi report that their pregnancies were unintended, according to the most recently available survey data collected by the Mississippi State Department of Health.  The social and economic implications of unplanned pregnancy for women, families and the state are wide-reaching and enduring. Considering the broad array of contraception on the market and the availability of family planning services in publicly funded clinics across the state, Mississippi’s high rate of unintended pregnancy is concerning and deserves … Read more...

Hand-Held Mobile Device Use While Driving

Research shows distracted driving increases the risk of a motor vehicle crash, the top cause of death for Mississippians under 45 years of age. Despite known risks, many people continue to use mobile devices while driving, a leading cause of driver distraction. To address this growing problem, in 2015, the Mississippi Legislature enacted a ban on texting and accessing social networking sites while driving. This law will expire in 2018, unless it is reauthorized by the Legislature.

In 2017, the …

Telemedicine in Mississippi

Mississippi has been an early adopter of telemedicine beginning in 2003 with the introduction of real-time, tele-emergency service connecting trauma clinicians at the University of Mississippi Medical Center with rural emergency departments throughout the state. Mississippi continues to be a national leader in the adoption and innovative application of telemedicine.



The Center for Mississippi Health Policy has produced an issue brief that provides an overview of the current state … Read more...

Sustaining Mississippi’s Trauma Care System


Mississippi has enacted policies that are considered a model for trauma system development by other states. Much of the success of Mississippi’s system is derived from a stable funding structure established in statute. Recent statutory changes threaten to weaken this structure. The Center for Mississippi Health Policy has prepared an issue brief that summarizes the impact of these changes and explores options for strengthening funding for the system.


In 2008, the Mississippi Legislature enacted HB 1405, providing a … Read more...