Uninsured Adults by County for the Year 2020

This fact sheet provides the number and percentage of adults ages 18 – 64 without health insurance at the county level in Mississippi and compares rates for years 2017 and 2020, the most recent data. Under the Affordable Care Act, Adults with household incomes below 138% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) would qualify for expanded Medicaid coverage currently not elected by the state. Adults from households with incomes below 400% FPL qualify for federal support (subsidies) to buy health … Read more...

Healthcare System Performance Issue Brief

The Center for Mississippi Health Policy (C4MHP) published
Healthcare System Performance: Mississippi Indicators &
Healthcare Infrastructure, Opportunities for Improvement in May
2022. The report provided an update to the C4MHP’s original
healthcare system performance report from 2013. This issue
brief highlights the 2022 report’s findings on the quality and
performance of Mississippi healthcare systems and provides
program and policy considerations for improvement. …

Presumptive Medicaid Eligibility for Pregnant Women

Mississippi Medicaid pays for pregnancy-related healthcare for over 60% of Mississippi births each year. Many pregnant Medicaid participants would not have been eligible for Medicaid prior to their pregnancy increasing the likelihood that they have gone uninsured for some time. Healthcare and policy experts have recommended extending postpartum coverage to support improved maternal and child health. More than a third of births covered by Mississippi Medicaid occur to women with at least one known pregnancy risk factor. Maternal health strongly … Read more...

Social Determinants of Health

Determinants of health are a broad range of factors that influence an individual’s health status, which, ultimately, impacts the performance and quality of the state’s healthcare system. Determinants of health are typically categorized into the following categories: Education Access & Quality, Healthcare Access & Quality, Economic Stability, Neighborhood & Build Environment, Social & Community Context. To read more about these determinants impact Mississippi, read our latest report, “Healthcare System Performance, Mississippi Indicators & Healthcare Infrastructure: Opportunities for Improvement https://mshealthpolicy.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Health-Care-System-Performance-Report-May-2022.pdf… Read more...

Healthcare System Performance

The performance of Mississippi’s healthcare system is consistently ranked as one of the lowest in the nation. In 2013, the Center for Mississippi Health Policy (Center) published the report, “Healthcare System Performance: What Mississippi Indicators Reveal,” which included an analysis of national health system performance indicators and discussed the weaknesses of the state’s healthcare system. At the time, the state’s use of hospital care for chronic and preventable conditions was one of the highest in the nation, while the utilization … Read more...