2023 Legislative Session

Written by John Dillon Harris, MPH
During the 2023 Legislative Session, the legislature focused on the state’s struggling healthcare system and the post-Roe world. After the session ended, 424 bills were passed into law1. The Center for Mississippi Health Policy identified 33 bills that
were signed into law after the 2023 session that will impact the health and wellness of Mississippians; these covered areas from hospital financing and the healthcare workforce to maternal and child health.… Read more...

The Medicaid Unwinding: Expectations and Estimations

Written by Sarah Scarborough

The pandemic tested Medicaid and health departments across the nation. Health systems were overwhelmed with a large influx of patients and demand for healthcare coverage. Congress passed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA)[1] in response to this outcry which ensured patients could assess healthcare services during the COVID-19 health emergency period (PHE) as needed.[2] With the emergency period over, Congress is ending continuous enrollment through the Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA).[3] States must … Read more...